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5/15/03 Minutes

The City of Auburn
Historic Resources Review Board
c/o Office of Planning and Economic Development
Memorial City Hall   -  24 South Street
Auburn, New York  13021
(315) 255-4115    Fax 253-0282

Meeting Minutes

1.  Meeting was opened at 5:20 P.M. in the 1st floor caucus room of Memorial City Hall
In attendance were members: Ellen Clark, Max Champion, Peter Gabak, Mike Deming, Jim Hutchinson, Betty Lewis and staff members Mike Long and Alicia McKeen and guest Alan Shellenberger.

2. Approval of Minutes:  Motion to approve the minutes of April 15, 2003 made by………., seconded by………..  .  All votes in favor.  Minutes accepted.  

3. Certificate of Appropriateness:      

A.      50 South St.  – Max and Erin Champion – front porch reconstruction to match original.   Max reviews how the porch will be replaced as originally built.  Betty had found picture in the Seward House.  Peter asks if it will be guttered. Max points out on the drawing how it will be and that it will look like molding.  Jim makes a motion to approve the proposal, seconded by Peter.  All members vote approval with Max abstaining.  Motion passed.

B.  108 South St. – Unity House – install exterior air conditioner and landscape.  Mike L. states there are 2 issues – one being for repair in kind windows and the 2nd to install an external A/C unit behind the house with landscaping to camouflage.  Mike D. wants some kind of sketch plan.  Jim thinks Mike L. should be able to approve proposal when sketch plan is made available.  Jim makes a motion to approve the windows and the A/C unit with landscaping.  Seconded by Peter.  All members vote approval.  Motion passed.  Peter asks the size of the unit.  Mike D. states it would be no wider than the table, about 1-½ feet from the building and well hidden.  

C.   136 South St. – Alan Shellenberger – general discussion of building addition to house – three bay garage and 2nd floor great room attached to rear of structure.  Applicant will be removing rear deck to install attached addition.  Drawings are being worked on.  Set back will be maintained.  Garage will be 2 story.  Peter states he is very unhappy with the garage at the former Irish Rose and wants to know if this one will be hidden from the street.  Wants structure to be aesthetic to the neighborhood and blend in.  Alan states it will blend in with historic detail.  Jim states that it looks as though the garage roof will be lower than the house’s.  Alan confirms and states the structure will not be seen from the street.  Will be using cement clapboard siding or cedar.

4. Other matters.  
A.      Mike L. states that a new intern, Victor Gordon from Cornell, has been approved for the summer.  He will be starting next week and working on an RFP for the CLG grant.  Sigrid will begin this and hand off to him.

B.      Mike Deming has asked a couple people to speak at the Council meeting concerning National Historic Recognition week.  Ellen will begin, Betty will give speech for restoration award, Curator from museum will speak about 50 South St. and Jim will hand out the stewardship award.  Mike L. states there are 2 letters of commendation that will be read into the record 1st.  

C.      Max asks when the picket fence will be removed from 107 South St.  It is decided that Codes should enforce this matter and possibly input from Corporation Counsel.  Peter thinks that Corporation Counsel should attend meetings.

D.      Mike D. states the Osborne Library grad student came to finish report. Mike L. asks if a bond act application is desired.  Mike D. wants to wait and see what’s in the report.  Max wonders what this board can do.  Mike D. states that BDA found that the walls of the building were moving outward.  Will see if asbestos is in plaster.  Grant requires asbestos abatement.  Mike L. states there is a bond act grant program in Seneca Falls on Monday.   Mike D. will get report right away.  Foundation is giving nothing out for a matching grant.  Any previous reports are not valid, as further deterioration has happened.  It is unknown what can be done until it is knows exactly what is needed.  It is still suggested to be used as a prison museum

4. Adjournment: Next meeting June 10, 2003 at Memorial City Hall at 7:00 p.m. – 1st floor caucus room. Motion to adjourn made by Max, seconded by Peter.  All members vote approval.  

Meeting adjourned 5:55 p.m.

Recorded by: Alicia McKeen